At a glance
I tried the anti-aging device NuFACE Trinity, a facial toning device, using microcurrent therapy. I tell you more about my experience, and the results on my skin.
Now that I’m in my 40s, I’m more and more interested in anti-aging devices to boost my usual skincare routine! I started with an LED mask and in the last few months I’ve intensified my treatment with a facial toning device using microcurrent therapy, the NuFACE Trinity. Let me tell more you about my experience, and I’ll also show you the results on my skin!
In fact, I should have wrote this article last year. But it turns out that my NuFACE Trinity device has a… weird and wonderful specificity!
The battery in my device never seems to run down. I know what you’re going to say, “Well, that’s good news, isn’t it?”. Yes, but… no, because if the device seemed to work properly for months, in reality, the microcurrent inside didn’t actually work after 15 days.
So well, I’m asking you, who has been using their NuFACE device without charging it for months and who was pissed because they found it wasn’t super effective? This girl, right here! And when I tried to understand why I didn’t have any great results on my skin, even after 6 months, I realized after I started to some research that I had to charge it regularly (even if it seemed to work fine) (I swear, this thing never turned off, even after 6 months! It was insane!).
So just in case, I’m telling you! I don’t know if it’s a design issue with just my device but remember to charge yours every two weeks if you use it regularly, even if it doesn’t seem to be running out of power!
In short, I didn’t notice this peculiar behaviour of my device until after a while (I can tell you that I was pretty annoyed when I realized…), so I have only been able to try it properly for the last 2 months!
According to the brand, it takes 60 days to see results with the NuFACE Trinity, so I thought I could still write an article about my experience with the device and how my skin responded to the treatment.
But first I’ll explain what microcurrent therapy is and what results you can expect on your skin!

What is microcurrent therapy?
Microcurrent therapy is an aesthetic treatment, known in the beauty industry for its anti-aging properties. This technique is used in some spas and medical practices for facial reshaping, toning and improving the firmness of mature skin.
Microcurrent is a low intensity current that mimics the body’s natural current and can provide instant and cumulative anti-aging results (= basically, the more you use this technique, the more results you get).
There is no risk of electrocution with the micro-current, don’t worry, most users don’t feel anything at all during the treatment!
Initially, microcurrent therapy was mainly used for medical treatments, to stimulate the in-depth muscles. These treatments are mainly used to treat patients suffering from a form of nervous paralysis, which leads to atrophy and sagging muscles. For the record, I’m currently suffering from Achilles tendinitis, and it’s the same therapy that my physiotherapist uses on my calf muscle and tendon!
As is often the case, this medical discovery is being used by the cosmetic industry, for anti-aging treatments!
How does it work?
Microcurrent stimulates the skin of the face, sending low intensity electrical waves through the skin, skin tissue and up to the facial muscles. Microcurrent also increases the production of ATP.
ATP, or Adenosine Triphosphate, is a chemical molecule present in our body. One of its roles is to help to create skin support proteins such as collagen and elastin. This molecule is also the energy fuel of our cells, capable of storing and using energy.
This increase in ATP also stimulates the muscles of the face, just like physical exercise with the muscles in our body. Unlike the rest of the body, facial muscles are directly connected to the skin. Therefore, the energy they receive will help give them a better, more toned appearance.
Why did I choose the NuFace Trinity device?
I got interested in microcurrent technology and specifically the NuFACE Trinity device after I turned 40.
My skin has changed over the last few years. I don’t have a lot of wrinkles, but I’m already seeing some sagging in certain areas of my face: contours are less “sharp” than before, my dark circles are getting deeper, and my eyelids are starting to sag and droop!
To treat sagging, cosmetics can’t do much, despite what marketing would often like us to believe. Serums and other anti-aging creams are very effective on the surface of the skin, and also for prevention (= basically slowing down the sagging process) but when sagging is already there, you need something that treats the skin deeper to regain firmness!
That’s where a device like NuFACE can complement a good skincare routine IMO. Indeed, this type of device can treat the deeper layers of the skin and even work also on the subcutaneous muscles, for an action on the skin tone (= a skin better supported by the subcutaneous muscles appears firmer), which is impossible with a simple cosmetic product, which focuses on the surface of the skin.
With this device, I hoped above all to help maintain the firmness of my skin and I also wanted to improve the areas where I was seeing some sagging (in my case, the jaw contours, and especially the upper eyelid area, which is starting to look droopy).
I chose the simply because it was the best known device in this category, and there were a lot of reviews available, with some pretty positive feedback.
It’s also easily accessible anywhere in the world, which is always a plus when, like me, your readers are all over the world (yes, I know I don’t always keep that in mind, but believe me, it’s really not easy to satisfy everyone!).
At first, I hesitated between the Trinity and the Mini, because of the price difference of course (around $200 for the Mini, against $325 for the Trinity)!
But from what I’ve read, the Trinity is a better investment in the long run, especially because you can change to attach a specific attachment for the eye and lip area. As someone who wanted to treat primarily my upper eyelids, I thought it might be more interesting to go for the Trinity, which is probably more versatile.
I’ve also read several times that the Mini is not as durable as the Trinity over time. I’ve seen a lot of feedback online where the owners of the device said that their Mini stopped working overnight. And since it doesn’t have a reset button like the Trinity, basically, when it stops working, it’s essentially good for the trash, you can’t fix it! Maybe these people were unlucky, but I didn’t want to take the risk at this price.
So I waited for a discount period (Black Friday in this case), and invested in a NuFACE Trinity device and also added the ELE attachement for eyes and lips, while I was at it 😉
The NuFACE Trinity device, presentation:
The NuFACE Trinity is a facial toning device designed to be used at home.
The technology it uses, the microcurrent, has been patented by the brand and its ability to improve the tone of facial contours and reduce wrinkles has been demonstrated in clinical tests, done in conjunction with the Trinity ELE attachment for the eye and lip area.
The device features a smart skin sensor to guide the user during the session, and (sold separately) interchangeable accessories to allow for a complete range of treatments for all areas of the face. When purchased, it comes with a charging cradle and a complete user manual.
Initially, it must be charged for 12 hours before the first use, but afterwards, the charging is done quite quickly (don’t forget to charge it regularly, every 15 days maximum if you don’t want to experience the same unfortunate misadventure as me 😉 ).
The Trinity device has two “ball” tips that allow the micro-current to circulate over the area of the face that you want to treat. I use it for my face and neck.
The NuFACE Trinity ELE attachement treats hard-to-reach areas around the eyes and lips such as frown lines, crow’s feet and expression lines. The attachment is equipped with thinner treatment wands than the original device to deliver targeted facial stimulation with a microcurrent tailored to these specific areas.
You can also buy another attachment that uses LED technology, but since I already have my LED mask, I didn’t purchase one.
Also included in the purchase kit is a small tube of NuFACE brand conductive gel, which you need to apply to your skin before using the device. I didn’t repurchase it afterwards. You can totally use simple Aloe Vera gel , it works very well and it’s cheaper 😉
How to use:
Depending on the areas you want to treat, the length of the treatment will vary between 5 to 30 minutes.
5 minutes for a simple facial treatment, 10 minutes for a more complete face treatment. If you add the neck, it will take double that amount of time. And if you want to do the eye and lip treatment, it’s 10 more minutes.
Of course, since I want to get my money’s worth, I do the complete 30-minute face, neck, eye and lip treatment at each session, but you can also do shorter treatments if you wish (but then obviously, the results won’t be as good).
Initially, it’s recommended to use Trinity at least five times a week for the first 60 days. After that, you can just use it two to three times a week to maintain the results you’ve achieved.
A session with the Trinity device is a multi-step process:
– Preparation:
You begin by cleansing your skin with an oil-free cleanser and applying an water-based conductive gel to all the areas you wish to treat. The gel must be free of oily ingredients because it prevents the micro-current from working properly (I use an Aloe Vera gel).
For men, be sure to shave before using the device as hair can interfere with conductivity.
Personally, I use the device at the maximum intensity, but if you have sensitive skin, you can use a lower intensity (there are 5 different levels).
– Massage with the device:
With the device, you glide along the natural contours of the face as indicated in the user guide. Each motion must last at least 5 seconds (there is a beep that signals the end of the 5 seconds) so don’t go too fast! This process must be repeated three times.
You can also do “lift and hold” techniques for 5 seconds on the areas were you want more tightening. I simply follow the guide provided with the device and I also watched the videos of the brand available on YouTube. Now I know the massage maneuvers by heart, and I don’t even need a mirror anymore!
During the massage, make sure that the conductive gel stays in place, or that the skin is always wet throughout the massage so that the microcurrent can be effective.
My little trick rather than reapplying conductive gel all the time is to apply a good layer at the beginning, and use a water mist during the massage to re-moisten it and make sure that the tip of the device can slide properly during the massage.
Regarding the sensations you’ll feel, at the beginning of the treatment, during the massage; I felt a little tingling in the areas where I had not applied enough conductive gel, and/or in the eyebrows and hairline sometimes. Now, with the habit, I don’t feel anything at all!
– At the end of the massage:
Once the massage is over, you can remove the conductive gel with a warm, damp washcloth (or a towel/wipe). I also use this damp cloth to clean my device and its attachment after use.
Afterwards, you can apply your usual skincare products.
Personally, especially in the beginning, I really noticed the effects of the massage on my facial muscles! It was like I had spent several minutes laughing, you know what I mean? My muscles felt like they were a bit stiff. After a few weeks of use, I probably got used to it and I didn’t feel this muscle soreness as much.
You can do your massage once a day maximum, in the morning or in the evening. Personally, even if it requires a certain organization, I prefer to do the massage in the morning because it creates a slight natural lifting effect that lasts for a few hours, and it also helps to reduce the puffiness on my face when I wake up. But I understand that it isn’t easy for everyone!
Precautions and contraindications:
- Persons prone to epileptic seizures.
- People who have recently undergone facial or other surgery.
- Cardiac regulator/pacemaker wearers.
- Carriers of implanted electronic devices.
- Pregnant women.
- Persons with active cancer/tumour.
- People under the age of 18 (it’s too young anyway, it’s useless!).
The results after 2 months of use:
When I started using the NuFACE Trinity correctly, I took pictures of my face, back in early November 2019, and I took pictures of my face again in early January 2020, 2 months later.
As I said before, I don’t have a lot of wrinkles, and that’s not really why I decided to use this device.
In short, the results I was expecting from this NuFACE Trinity device were:
– a better overall skin tone on my face,
– a targeted action on my sagging areas (the jaw contours, the naso-labial fold, the hollow of the dark circles and especially the upper eyelids),
– and finally, a better micro-circulation thanks to the massage for a more visible complexion radiance.
Let’s have a look at the before and after pictures:
Front view:
Right side view:
Left side view:
Regarding the results, in pictures, it’s definitely subtle, far from a real facelift!
It’s always a bit complicated for me to show the results with what I’m testing because I’ve been taking good care of my skin since I was 15 years old. I also have a bullet-proof skincare routine, so my margin of progress with the devices I try is always quite small… My “before and after” here isn’t really obvious, I’m well aware of that.
But what I can tell you is that in real life, I was able to see and feel a difference on my face, especially in the jaw contours, which I find sharper than before. I also find that I can see it on my mouth area, which appears more clearly defined.
And above all, what impressed me the most is the effect on my upper eyelids! I can definitely feel it when I apply my eye makeup. I find that my eyeliner is much easier to apply than before. Because my eyelids are smoother, the eyeliner line almost draws itself in, whereas before my line could be shaky, because I had to go around the crease of the upper eyelid!
I also notice a result on the radiance of my face, especially right after the massage. I have to thank the stimulation of the micro-circulation for this glow!
Overview of my experience with the NuFACE Trinity device:
My experience with the NuFACE Trinity device has been quite positive overall. Although the results on my skin are subtle, if you’re hoping for the same effect as a facelift, you might be sorely disappointed!
Personally, I have noticed an improvement in my skin tone, especially in certain areas of my face!
Bearing in mind that I’m only 41 years old, my lack of firmness isn’t very pronounced to begin with, I’m only at the beginning of the inevitable big drop of firmness! And also, I’ve been taking care of my skin pretty well on a daily basis for a long time, so I guess that also plays a role in the “subtlety” of the result on me. On other people, it’s very possible that the results will be more obvious.
Just like my LED mask, I see this Trinity device as complementary to my skincare routine, but for me it doesn’t replace it, nor do I think it can replace a cosmetic procedure. The results are simply not comparable.
However, I do think that the Trinity is interesting as a preventive measure and it fits in well with my skincare approach.
For me, it’s always much easier to preserve the youthfulness and tone of your skin by protecting it with the right products and by stimulating it with different treatments, than to try to ” fix ” it once it’s too late!
This doesn’t mean that you won’t get good results with this device if your skin is more mature than mine! I’ve seen reviews from women who were 10 to 20 years older than me, and they were overall very satisfied with the results!
One more thing though, if you’re interested in this treatment, you should really ask yourself if you are willing to take the time to use the device.
I’m not gonna lie, it’s a time-consuming treatment. The brand praises the speed of the treatment (they even talk about a “5 minutes lifting”) but if you do the full massage to optimize the results, the treatment takes usually 25-30 minutes at least! My advice: make sure you have something to watch during your massage 😉
I have to admit that during the 60 days I was doing the massage 5 times a week, I was really bored the second month! Coming in at 20 minutes of massage, some days, I had to force myself to keep on doing it.
Now, I only use it 2 to 3 times a week, and it’s much more enjoyable and easy to fit into my schedule!
It’s also a long-term commitment. It’s a treatment that you have to do consistently to maintain the results. Usually, I’m pretty disciplined about these kinds of things, but I understand that it’s not easy for everyone for many good reasons!
It’s a bit like doing exercise on a regular basis. If you stop doing it for several months, the results you’ve achieved will inevitably be lost!
Finally, the price of the device is also a barrier for many, I’m aware of that. With the ELE attachement, it’s close to $500 (without discount). I really envisioned it in the long term, as I just said, and for me, the technology was interesting to try as well!
That’s pretty much the way I see it:
It’s about the same price as an injection of Botox or hyaluronic acid (I think I’m not really very well informed) but first of all, I don’t feel ready to do them (if I ever will be!), and they don’t last more than 6 months if I understand correctly. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep my Trinity for many years to come!
Everyone has their own way of doing things, it’s clearly not a cheap device and you have to be quite motivated and disciplined to use it, but personally, I don’t regret my “investment” at all 🙂
In conclusion:
Clearly, it’s an investment (in money and time) but in the end, I don’t regret my purchase and I’m happy with the results!
Have you ever tried the NuFACE Trinity device? What is your experience with microcurrent technology? I’m very curious to know what you think!
Edit 25/03/2023:
The website CurrentBody gave me a discount code to use at checkout with the brand Nuface, it’s BTYNF for a promo! 🙂
Hello there. I was so glad to find your review as I too was desperate as I couldn’t work out why my battery charge appeared not to diminish at all… I also felt as though it wasn’t effective, particularly over the last 2/3 weeks of the 5 weeks that I have had it. Could I ask, once you realised you had to charge it every two weeks, irregardless of how it appeared, did you find it began to work again without issue? Or did you have to get a replacement device? Thank you 🙂
Yes, it works fine now! I just have to remember to charge it regularly 🙂
Hello Bonnie, I just started to follow you on instagram and I’m reading all your posts!! 🙂 . I am so curious about your opinion: if you could choose one device between the NuFace and a LED mask (I’m 47 years old, almost no wrinkles just some laugh lines and rosacea) what would it be?
Thank you!
Hi Adriana and welcome! 🙂
It really depends what your skin goals are! I don’t really have wrinkles as well, so that’s not why I choose to use these two devices. I choose to use LED for the healing it provides (which probably be good for you if you have rosacea, but I would recommend to ask your doctor, just to be sure 😉 ), and it also helps with skin’s texture and glow!
NuFace is more about toning and reducing the puffiness, which I really appreciate, especially in the morning 🙂
I hope it helps! 🙂
You look great before but I actually thought your results were pretty noticeable! what would your thoughts be about someone in their 20s using a device like this? Obviously not for wrinkles but I’m want my cheekbones + contours of my face to look more defined and to reduce puffiness.
Thank you very much Brittany 😄♥️ Yes, I think you could definitely see results on the puffiness, for sure! I definitely find microcurrent effective for that.
About the definition effect, I’m not sure, it really depends from person to person. But I also find that it gives a lovely glow to the skin and most of the reviews I saw agreed on that 😉
I purchased the Nuface Trinity June 2021 and used it as directed…2 months every day to begin then several times a week afterward. I am 70 years old and I found it beneficial as an added skin care routine to my regimen. However, several months ago I started having problems turning my device on and off. It finally ceased to work after 9 months of use. I can’t find my receipt as I ordered it through Amazon, was hacked last winter and had to shut down and open new Amazon account so purchase history disappeared. My device does not have a ‘reset’ hole so that is not an option. I have opened it up but doesn’t look like I can get to the on/off button area. I am now ready to ‘throw it away’…not sure I will purchase another. My advice is ‘be sure to save your receipt’ so you can return the device to Nuface for repair/replacement. I do feel it was beneficial but I don’t like the less then a year life of the device.
Oh wow, that’s very unfortunate indeed :((
Have you tried contacting the company even without the receipt? I feel like they would like your feedback, it’s not normal that your device stop working after just a few months!
Hi Bonnie!
Very thorough review. I’ve had my NuFACE Trinity since Nov 2022 and really like it! Just bought my Eye/Lip attachment as I found a good deal in Ssense. com so am starting my 5x/week regime :<. my comment to you is that I understood that the conductive gel must have minerals in it in order to conduct, therefore, Aloe Gel alone would not work. I wish it would as the NuFACE gel price is high!!! Just thought I’d mention this to you and your readers 😉
Hi Linda , thanks for your comment! 🙂
Actually, Aloe Vera gel does naturally contain minerals so it’s indeed conductive. Of course, the NuFace gel is a great option, as the brand has designed it especially for that purpose, but Aloe Vera works as well.
What I like to do is to add thermal water on top, so it adds even more minerals, and it helps also to keep it wet for a longer time! 🙂
Someone told me i should be adding salt to aloe vera gel to make it conductive.
Aloe Vera gel naturally contains minerals so you don’t need to add salt 😊
Hope it helps 😉
Bonnie, your review was excellent. I’m almost 20yrs older than you with a very excellent skincare routine. I am happy to say I do not look my age -genetics and skincare. But time marches on as we all know. I purchased the whole kit from NuFace but did not receive a user manual –bummer but I think they want users to go to the videos which don’t really detail what you did in your review. I have zero wrinkles thanks to my mom coating me in zincoxide growing up. Underlying tone was the thought behind purchasing the Nuface system and your review validated what I was looking for in a device. I am happy you addressed the time involved because (again no user guide with my device) I had no clue how long I needed to use it. I have a question about the lip and eyebrow attachment, do you need to use it for the full 30mins in those areas as well as the full face attachment? I wish I had seen this review before I order 2 bottles of conductive gel because “hello” aloe vera gel makes complete sense. You just need something to conduct the current. Also, the battery thing! Mine sits on the charger so I would never have thought of that as an issue. Great review and I feel so much better about spending the money I did.
Thank you so much, Stephanie, I’m so glad my review was useful! 😀
Usually, my complete routine with the NuFace includes the eye and lip contour massage as well (wityh the specific attachement), and makes a total of 30 minutes. If I don’t use it and stick to the face only, it takes me around 20 minutes. But you could do an express routine for 5-10 minutes with very simple techniques (I rarely do it, I prefer to take the time to commit, even if it’s not every day 😉 ).
Hope it helps!:)
Hi Stephanie,
Like you, I’m in my 60s so am really interested in your point of view. I’m considering the various microcurrent devices and am wondering how you’re liking your Nuface. Has it been effective and are you still using it? Any other considerations and recommendations?
Cheers to you,
This is the best blog/review I’ve read about the Nuface!
Your openness and honesty shone through. And the details were so helpful.
I am now going to start using my Nuface. I now know what to expect and the amount of time I am willing to spend using it every morning.
A Big thank you.
p.s…. Discipline is indeed the answer and you have motivated me.:):)
Hi Brenda and thanks for your very kind words ❤️❤️❤️
I’m so glad my review was helpful and got you more motivated.. It’s definitely a great device, and the best results will be there if you use it, for sure 😉👍
Hi Bonnie,
Lovely review, really comprehensive and helpful.
I bought a Nuface Trinity Plus in September and I did not charge it for the length of time they recommend the initial charge to take (excited to use it!!) and it also did the same as yours and kept on turning on for 6 weeks and I thought I was doing treatments but may not have been (eek!!) as after a reset and another charge I noticed a difference in it’s strength. Great advice that your’e giving about charging every 2 weeks. Mine seems to “run down” and indicate it needs charging again now which is good but Currentbody were helpful if I had of needed to return it. I also have the red light attachment that goes with it and it is very relaxing. I know you can use red light panels and masks but there is still something special in using this attachment. I will pop back again in 3 months with thoughts on results. (not sponsored, purchased myself) Take care, Debbie- Dec 24. x
Thank you very much for your lovely words and I’m happy my review was helpful! ☺️♥️