I tried the anti-aging device ZIIP Halo

A facial toning device, using micro-current and nano-current therapy.

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At a glance

I tried out the ZIIP Halo, an anti-ageing facial toning device that uses micro and nano electric currents. Here’s my review! I’ll explain who it’s primarily intended for, how to use it, what results you can expect and how long it will take!

I’ve said it several times over the last two years, the ZIIP is my favourite anti-ageing toning device. A few months ago, the brand redesigned it and I have to admit I was a bit nervous… When something works well, why fix it? For a few weeks now, I’ve been testing the new version, the ZIIP Halo. Is the ZIIP Halo as good as the previous versions? Is it better? Is it worth changing if you already own a previous version? I’ll tell you all about it!

This products was gifted by the brand for review.

Edit November 2024:
If you’re reading this article in November 2024, CurrentBody have given me a discount code on ZIIP products, it’s BONNIEZIIP and it will give you 20% off ZIIP Beauty products, including the Christmas Superior Gift Set, and the Gels bundles.
I also have a special code for ZIIP gels, which is BTYGEL and this one will get you 25% off all ZIIP Beauty gels.
These two codes stack up to current promotions on the site, and there won’t be any extra promotion for the week of Black Friday, so it’s a good time to snatch that deal! 🙂
Go to the CurrentBody website here (affiliate link)
ZIIP Beauty has also given me a code, it’s BONNIEZIIP and it will give you 20% off all ZIIP Beauty products.
The code BTYGEL also works on the ZIIP Beauty website, it’ll get you 25% off all ZIIP Beauty gels. And same thing as above, you can stack up the codes with current promotions on the website, and there won’t be any extra promotion for the week of Black Friday, these are the best deals you can get! 🙂
Go to the ZIIP Beauty website here (affiliate link)

To tell the truth, when I heard what the creator of the ZIIP brand had to say about this change, I was pretty relieved!

Melanie Simon, an ‘electric beautician’, as she likes to describe herself, is the brains behind the ZIIP Beauty brand. She designed and developed this anti-ageing toning device, and above all, all the treatment protocols that can be performed with it.

And the reason she decided to upgrade it was because she felt that, even though ZIIP was generally very popular with her customers, there was always room for improvement. When you’re ambitious, you don’t settle for something good, do you? You always want the best!

To improve it, she listened to her customers and used all the feedback they had been providing her over the years. When you use a device very regularly, as I do, you often have little comments to make about the device itself: how easy it is to use, the treatment protocols, the price, etc, etc.

And since the brand wants to be close to its customer base, listening to their feedback is essential and, above all, taken into account in the development of the product! You have to admit that’s quite a quality, isn’t it? 😉

I bought my first ZIIP device over 3 years ago now, and it has taken the place of all my other micro-current devices. It’s the one I use the most, and the most regularly. It’s been part of my routine at least 3 times a week for years.

So I was eager to try out this new version, and see if the changes suited me!

For those of you new to the brand with this article, I’m going to take you through the ZIIP Halo anti-ageing device in detail. I’ll also give you a reminder of the technology it uses and give you my experience, as well as my opinion, compared to the older versions with which I’m very familiar with!

As the article is quite long and detailed, feel free to go to the part that interests you the most using the Jump To menu on the left of this intro, or at the top of the page if you’re reading me on mobile. You can click on the title of the category you want to read and it will take you straight there.
If you’ve already read my first article about the ZIIP device, you’ll inevitably find some repetition; that’s normal, as the technology and method of use are the same, so I had to re-explain the same things! You can consider this article as an edit of the first one. 😉

I tried the anti-aging device ZIIP OX Skincare device I tried the anti-aging device ZIIP OX I can see it when I look at my stats on this website, anti-aging devices fascinate you as much as me (my two articles on the topic are in my top 10 most read articles 😆). I started testing a couple of them a few years ago, first with an LED mask, and then I continued with a facial toning device using an electric micro-current, the Trinity from NuFACE. This is the same technique that we’re going to focus on today with my test of the micro and nano-current based anti-aging device, the ZIIP OX! Read more

What is microcurrent?

Microcurrent therapy is an aesthetic treatment, known in the beauty industry for its anti-aging properties. This technique is used in some spas and medical practices for facial reshaping, toning, and improving the firmness of mature skin.

Microcurrent is a low intensity current that mimics the body’s natural current and can provide instant and cumulative anti-aging results (= basically, the more you use this technique, the more results you get).


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There is no risk of electrocution with the microcurrent. Don’t worry, most users don’t feel anything at all during the treatment!

Initially, microcurrent therapy was mainly used for medical treatments, to stimulate the in-depth muscles. These treatments are mainly used to treat patients suffering from a form of nerve paralysis, which leads to atrophy and sagging muscles. For the record, I’m currently suffering from Achilles tendinitis, and it’s the same therapy that my physiotherapist uses on my calf muscle and tendon!

As is often the case, this medical discovery is being used by the cosmetic industry, for anti-aging treatments!

How does microcurrent work?

Microcurrent stimulates the skin of the face, sending low intensity electrical waves through the skin, skin tissue and up to the facial muscles. Microcurrent also increases the production of ATP.

ATP, or Adenosine Triphosphate, is a chemical molecule present in our body. One of its roles is to help to create skin support proteins such as collagen and elastin. This molecule is also the energy fuel of our cells, capable of storing and using energy.

This increase in ATP also stimulates the muscles of the face, just like physical exercise with the muscles in our body. Unlike the rest of the body, facial muscles are directly connected to the skin. Therefore, the energy they receive will help give them a better, more toned appearance.

Why add a microcurrent device to your skincare routine?

I got interested in microcurrent technology after I turned 40.

My skin has changed over the last few years. I don’t have a lot of wrinkles, but I’m already seeing some sagging in certain areas of my face: contours are less “sharp” than before, my dark circles are getting deeper, and my eyelids are starting to sag and droop!

To treat sagging, cosmetics can’t do much, despite what marketing would often like us to believe. Serums and other anti-aging creams are very effective on the surface of the skin, and also for prevention (= basically slowing down the sagging process) but when sagging is already there, you need something that treats the skin deeper to regain firmness!

That’s where a device like the ZIIP can complement a good skincare routine IMO. Indeed, this type of device can treat the deeper layers of the skin and even work also on the subcutaneous muscles, for an action on the skin tone (= a skin better supported by the subcutaneous muscles appears firmer), which is impossible with a simple cosmetic product, which focuses on the surface of the skin.

With this device, I hoped above all to help maintain the firmness of my skin and I also wanted to improve the areas where I was seeing some sagging (in my case, the jaw contours, and especially the upper eyelid area, which is starting to look droopy).

Clearly, I am realistic; I know that the results are inevitably limited with this kind of devices. If you are expecting a “lifting” effect with this skin gadget, I can tell you right now: you will be disappointed!

However, for prevention and to help the skin stay more toned for longer, this device is a great help.

It goes without saying, but it’s still better to say it. You get much better results if you use your device very regularly. If you only use it once in a while, it’s not a miracle, it won’t work.

Yes, I know, it’s no fun, but it’s worth remembering from time to time: even in 2023, magic still doesn’t exist! 😉

I had heard great things about the ZIIP anti-aging devices for several years. I was very tempted because I really liked its ergonomics and the fact that there are several different treatment programs. I was only holding back because I already had my NuFACE device!

But at the very beginning of the pandemic, my NuFACE broke down (thankfully, it was still under warranty, and I was able to exchange it with no issue since!) and I told myself that it was a sign! (In fact, I really wanted to continue the massage with the microcurrent, I think I became addicted lol)

So I took advantage of a special pandemic promo code (just kidding, I don’t know what the discount was for) on the brand’s website and I treated myself to the ZIIP OX in a kit with the Crystal conductive gel included.

I reviewed it two years ago, and since then the brand has redesigned it, and the device has also changed its name in the process. It’s now called the ZIIP Halo. At the end of September 2023, the brand sent me this new version so that I could test it out.

I should actually mention that I have two discount codes for the ZIIP Halo this year, it’s BTYZIIP for 15% off on the CurrentBody website during the month of December 2023: you can get it here (affiliate link).
And the code BONNIEZIIP for 15% on ZIIP Beauty’s website for the month of December 2023: you can get it here (affiliate link).

So let me introduce you to the ZIIP Halo device in more detail!

The ZIIP Halo anti-aging device, product presentation:

The ZIIP Halo is an anti-aging facial toning device for home use.

It uses two technologies: microcurrent and nanocurrent. The latter is exclusive to the ZIIP Beauty brand. According to the brand, these are very weak electrical impulses that synchronize with the electrical intensity naturally present in our body.

The combination of this nanocurrent technology with the microcurrent and the direct current of the body stimulates a natural chemical substance called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). As mentioned above, ATP is an energy stored in the body that is released to repair damaged skin cells. As we age, we produce less ATP, but according to the ZIIP Beauty brand, the electrical current from the ZIIP OX device increases ATP levels to restore a healthier-looking complexion.

According to the brand, the benefits of these two currents used together are immediate, and can be seen very quickly after the massage session, but they also accumulate over time. Hence the interest in combining them in the same device!

The ZIIP Halo is very ergonomic, even more so than its previous version. It’s very easy to hold and hugs the contours of the face perfectly for an easy massage.

At the beginning, in my case, no need to charge it before the first use, the device comes already ready to use. Later on, the charging is quite fast thanks to a micro USB cable (provided with the device). You have to charge it regularly, every three weeks if you use it frequently like me (I use it 5 to 6 times a week at the moment). But the device tells you when it needs to be charged: it starts flashing on one side.

The ZIIP Halo device has two probes that allow to circulate the micro and nano-current on the area of the face you want to treat. I use it for my face, my neck but also my eye contour.

The old version featured an intelligent skin sensor to guide the user during the session: when the device was no longer in contact with the skin, the light would switch off. This was a handy way of knowing whether the device was still connected to the skin or not. The new version lights up more visibly than the old version (the light is located all around the device and not underneath it as on the old version), and it lights up when the device first comes into contact with the skin and when the treatment begins.

But if you break the contact between the probes and the skin during the massage, the device still remains on and the treatment continues. It’s a bit of a shame, I’d have preferred the device to signal in some way whether it’s still in contact with the skin or not.

The conductive gels for the ZIIP Beauty:

In the purchase kit, you also receive one of the four conductive gels from ZIIP Beauty, which you must apply to your skin before using the device.

With the ZIIP Halo, it’s the new Electric Complex Gel that’s in the kit, in a travel version deluxe (50ml). Its composition is much simpler than the other conductive gels already in the range. I think of it as a simple conductive gel, not really a complete skincare product like the other gels in the range. It doesn’t really contain any skincare ingredients, just glycerine and ingredients to boost conductivity.
That being said, it’s still very good, and has the same benefit as the others, which is that it doesn’t dry out, so you can do your massage treatments very comfortably! And the big advantage is that it’s much cheaper than the other gels in the range ($25).

The other three conductive gels in the range are, on the other hand, the best conductive gels I’ve ever used!

They all have a nice formula with skincare ingredients, they’re almost like a moisturizing mask you leave on your skin during your session. They don’t dry out, so you don’t have to reapply them even for a 20 minute session, it’s super convenient! The device glides over the skin like a dream. It’s ideal to use with the ZIIP devices. And they rinse off very easily with water!

The Silver Gel is the cheapest (it’s still $50 😅), and the one I use the most. According to the brand, it moisturizes and gives a glow. It also has the most soothing formula.
The Crystal Gel ($80) is formulated with organic ingredients. It’s more anti-aging and moisturizing. This is the one I received when I bought my device, but I haven’t repurchased it. It’s good, but I don’t really care if a product is organic, thats why. 😉
The Golden Gel is the most expensive ($129). It’s more anti-aging focused, and contains a lot of interesting ingredients like niacinamide and peptides, but also gold extracts and sea water.

The brand recommends using 9 pumps of product for each massage session, but that’s too much. I use between 4 and 6 pumps and it’ more than enough! One bottle of gel usually lasts me 3 to 4 months (and I use my ZIIP device between 3 to 6 times a week).

Precautions and contraindications:

Do not use if you have a history of epilepsy or seizures.
Do not use if you have had recent facial surgery or other surgical procedures – consult your doctor.
Do not use if you have any active cancer or over any suspicious or cancerous lesion – consult your doctor.
Do not use if you are pregnant.
Do not use on infants and children under the age of 18, and keep device and attachments out of the reach of children.
Do not use if you have a cardiac pacemaker.
Do not use if you have an implanted defibrillator or stimulator.
Do not use if you have an electronic implanted device.
Do not apply stimulation across your chest as the introduction of electrical current into the chest may cause rhythm disturbances to your heart which could be lethal.
Do not use ZIIP on the breast area, midline of neck or groin.
Do not apply stimulation to the temples. ZIIP should not be used on broken, swollen, infected of inflamed skin.
Do not get your ZIIP device wet or use in the shower / bath.

ZIIP OX, the different treatment programs:

The major plus of the ZIIP OX device is that it has 12 pre-set treatment programs, designed by the brand’s founder, Melanie Simon.

This “electric esthetician” has gained popularity in the United States for her treatment protocols dedicated to electric microcurrents. She has a number of well-known celebrity clients (Mandy Moore, Eva Mendes, Catherine O’Hara to name a few…) which probably helped a lot when she decided to launch her own micro and nanocurrent massage device to use at home!

She teamed up with a childhood friend, an engineer who worked in Silicon Valley, to create an app to allow the ZIIP device to sync with multiple massage protocols.

And I’ll be honest, it’s definitely the diversity and technicality of these massage protocols that made me want to try this device and it’s also what makes it my favorite microcurrent skin device of all the ones I’ve tried!

The ZIIP Halo is already pre-programmed for a new short 4-minute treatment called the Lift. This means that every time you switch off the device, it automatically resets to the Lift treatment. And if you don’t feel like using the app, you can do your Lift treatment without it. I have to admit, it’s pretty handy and convenient when you’re in a hurry!

There are about twelve of treatments available on the app, which you just have to download on your smartphone after buying your ZIIP Beauty device. They are all targeted and allow you to treat either the whole face or just certain areas of the face, as you wish.

You can also combine treatments (as I often do), as they are rather short (the longest one is 12 minutes and it is the most comprehensive). They last between 2 and 12 minutes.

The app walks you through them from start to finish and there is a video in the app for each treatment protocol! The video is not synchronised with the device, but is activated when you connect your device to the chosen treatment, so you can follow the movements at the same time.

There are 12 of them, which I will detail below:

The first is the Lift treatment (4 minutes), which is already programmed into the machine. This is a smoothing and toning programme that gives the face a boost. The radiance of the complexion is immediate with this one!
The founder, Melanie Simon, regularly updates it because she knows it’s the treatment most used by the ZIIP consumers. You can update it on the app, via the menu, in the Firmware (Halo) category. So be sure to check back regularly to make sure you’re using the latest version!

All inclusive (12 minutes) or Founder’s Favorite for sensitive skin (10 minutes) are the two most complete treatments in the portfolio. Both are designed to rejuvenate, firm, and brighten the skin of the face and neck. The difference is that the Founder’s Favorite treatment uses only nano-currents, for a gentler effect that is most noticeable over the long term. The effects are cumulative and long-lasting.

Instant Gratification (6 minutes) gives an immediate boost to the complexion, and leaves the skin with a nice glow. This treatment is quite “strong”, not necessarily for beginners in microcurrent. Wait a few days for your skin to get used to it before testing it 😉.

Do you have acne-prone skin? The Problem Solver treatment (4 minutes) uses negative energy to kill acne-causing bacteria to reduce and prevent the appearance of pimples. Beware, this one may sting a bit on those breakouts!

The Electric Tone treatment (4 minutes) addresses excessive melanin production, to keep a more even skin tone.

To tone the oval of the face and the cheekbones, the Jowls treatment (3 minutes) is ideal. It targets the lower part of the face and gives it a more sculpted appearance.

The Eyes treatment (3 minutes) helps fight puffiness, fine lines and dark circles around the delicate eye area.

The Brow Lift treatment (3 minutes) focuses on treating the frown line (the one between the eyebrows) and on working on the eyebrows, for a brighter, smoother look.

For those in a hurry, the Contour treatment (2 minutes) is one of the fastest treatments on the menu. It allows you to sculpt the areas you want to work on most quickly and in a targeted way.

Plump (2 minutes) is another quick treatment that works on facial volume. It will give a plumper look to your cheekbones, for example, and will help to smooth out areas of the face that look too hollow.

And finally, a quick treatment, De-Puff (2 minutes), which drains the skin and gives the face a more rested appearance. Perfect for those mornings when you wake up feeling puffy!

My favorite programs are:

Personally, I love to combine several treatments if I have time, and I also do the Lift and Instant Gratification programs very regularly (usually paired with the Eyes or Brow Lift). My favorite is probably the All Inclusive, which I find very complete, and which I like to alternate with the Founder’s Favorite for long-lasting results. But the De-Puff is also great for those mornings when you wake up all puffy. And the Problem Solver is ideal to get rid of a stubborn pimple faster!

You can really feel that a professional esthetician has designed the programs. They are both very technical in their approach but also super easy to perform on yourself! And it’s super convenient to be able to do them in less than 5 minutes if you have little time and want to focus on the essential! 😉

ZIIP Halo, how to use:

Before you start using your ZIIP Halo device, you need to download the ZIIP app on your smartphone and log in. Once you are in the app, you will choose the treatment you’re interested in by turning on the device, selecting the treatment and syncing it with your device (the app guides you step by step to do this).

Depending on the program you have selected, the duration of the session can vary between 2 and 12 minutes, even more if you cumulate treatments.
It’s pretty cool to have this choice, especially since there are complete treatments of 2 or 3 minutes for those times when you’re in a hurry!

The brand recommends using the most complete programs at least three times a week, but you can go up to six times a week if you want.

A session with the ZIIP Halo device is divided into several steps:

– Preparation:

You begin by cleansing your skin with an oil-free cleanser and apply the brand’s conductive gel to all the areas you want to treat in a medium layer (I use 6 pumps of gel).
I’m sorry to inform you that the ZIIP Beauty gels, that costs an arm and a leg, work the best with the device. I attempted to use some Aloe Vera gel to save money, but it doesn’t work as well. Too bad, that would have been more cost-effective! That being said, the new Electric Complex Gel is still more affordable than the brand’s other conductive gels, so there’s that!

For men, be sure to shave before using the device as your beard or moustache etc., can interfere with conductivity.

You can’t adjust the intensity of the device; it’s predetermined with the treatment you choose. Personally, though, I find this reassuring, because I know that the treatments have been designed by a professional, and that it’s the right intensity, the one that’s the most effective!
The brand has spoken of a future update that will allow the device to use a higher intensity, but this will be for future body treatments, if I’ve understood correctly. For the face, the current intensity is the most suitable and effective.

– Massage with the device:

When you turn on your device, it beeps once (when you turn it off; it beeps twice). You choose your treatment on your phone and you sync it with your device. The device beeps twice slowly to signal that it’s ready to perform the massage. The treatment starts as soon as the device comes into contact with the skin and lights up.

With the device, you follow the predetermined treatment protocols. There are YouTube videos that guide you step by step, and they are very well done. The motions last between 2 and 10 seconds, depending on the protocols. A vibration of the device signals you when you need to move on to the next motion. In the middle of the massage, the device beeps once to let you know that it’s time to move on to the other side of the face.

During the massage, make sure that the device is always in contact with the skin so that the microcurrent can be effective. It’s easy to tell when the device is in contact with the skin. It lights up with a bluish light. And if the contact is interrupted, this light switches off.
No need to reapply conductive gel to make sure the device’s tip can glide properly during the massage, the ZIIP Beauty brand gel doesn’t dry out (a big advantage over Aloe Vera gel that I often have to reapply or re-wet with water with my other microcurrent devices).

The device turns itself off when the massage is over. It beeps twice to let you know.

As far as sensations are concerned, at the beginning of the treatment, during the massage, I felt a small tingling on the areas where I hadn’t applied enough conductive gel, and/or around the eyebrows and hairline sometimes, or if I have a small pimple. Now, with practice, I hardly feel anything at all!

– At the end of the massage:

Once the massage is over, you can remove the conductive gel with a warm, damp washcloth (or a towel/wipe). I also use the same damp cloth to clean my device after use. From time to time, I also use a tissue impregnated with alcohol to disinfect it. And I store it in its special pouch.
Afterwards, you can apply your usual skincare products.

Personally, especially in the beginning, I really noticed the effects of the massage on my facial muscles! It was like I had spent several minutes laughing; you know what I mean? My muscles felt like they were a bit stiff. After a few weeks of use, I probably got used to it and I didn’t feel this muscle soreness as much.

You can do your massage once a day maximum, in the morning or in the evening. Personally, even if it requires a certain organization, I prefer to do the massage in the morning because it creates a slight natural lifting effect that lasts for a few hours, and it also helps to reduce the puffiness on my face when I wake up. But I understand it isn’t easy for everyone!

How to use the ZIIP Halo effectively, a few tips:

I’ve been using ZIIP devices for over two years now. So I’ve had time to try out quite a few things with it, and I’ve also learnt a few things along the way!

The first important thing I realised with this device is that you can do your own version of massage once you’re used to the treatment, you can totally free-form. The founder herself encourages this, and that’s how she sets up the different treatment protocols, by being creative, and testing and trying out new things!

The only actual rule of thumb to make sure you don’t make a mistake is to always remember to lift the tissues of your skin when you massage with your device (you want to play against gravity, not with it!), so you should favour upward movements. And always massage towards the outside of the face.

You’ll notice that the founder always says ‘up and out‘ when she talks about the massage technique, and that’s really what you need to remember: ‘upwards and outwards‘, basically. If you massage this way with the ZIIP, even if you’re doing your own version of the massage, you can’t really go wrong.

The other tip is to pay attention to the direction of the device when you hold it during the massage. The output terminal of the device (where you plug it in to recharge it) should always be towards the outside of the face to improve conductivity and make sure the currents are circulating in the right direction. I still see quite a few people giving demonstrations on YouTube holding their devices the wrong way round, and it makes me doubt whether they understand anything about what they’re doing…

Another tip: you can massage your neck with the device BUT you must avoid the trachea area (in the middle of the neck). Instead, massage the sides of the neck. However, you can use the device to press under your chin with no problem; I do it a lot to help reduce my double chin! 😉

To treat the eye contour area, it’s best to use the specific eye contour programmes. The founder explains this during the demonstration videos, but I prefer to reiterate it here: short facial massage protocols such as Lift or Instant Gratification, for example, are best performed on the face, and not on the eye contour area. The intensity of the micro-currents is a little stronger in these treatments, so they’re not necessarily the most suitable for the more fragile eye contour area.

So in short, I strongly encourage you to get creative with your ZIIP device, but with a few rules of caution and proper use of your device! 🙂

The ZIIP OX device, the results:

So for context, I’m not new to microcurrent technology, as I’ve been using my NuFACE device for several years now. And I’ve been using my ZIIP devices for over two years now. So I can’t really do before-and-after pictures this time, since I wasn’t really starting from scratch when I started using my ZIIP Halo.

In a nutshell, here are the results I was hoping to keep when I started using my ZIIP Halo:
– better overall skin tonicity on my face,
– a targeted action on my sagging areas (the jaw contours, the naso-labial fold, the hollow of the dark circles and especially the upper eyelids),
– a targeted action on my sagging areas (the jaw contours, the naso-labial fold, the hollow of the dark circles and especially the upper eyelids),
– a better microcirculation and drainage thanks to the massage for a more visible radiance of the complexion, and a less “puffy” face in the morning,
– and finally, a little help to clear up my breakouts faster.

In all transparency, I’ve been using my ZIIP Halo for just under two months now and even though I used it intensively during this test phase, I suspected that I probably wouldn’t see any difference from before, given that I’d been using my ZIIP OX very regularly for two years. My ZIIP Halo continued to work well, and I kept my good results. It’s the same technology as the previous devices, the same intensity, so it’s normal that it works in the same way. 🙂

Knowing that, as I often say, it’s always a bit complicated for me to show results with what I test because I took good care of my skin since before I was 30. I have a very elaborate skincare routine, so my margin of progress with the devices is always quite small.

But what I can tell you is that since I started using microcurrent devices, I can see and feel a difference on my face, especially in my face contour, which I find is more defined than before. I also find that it shows on my mouth contour, which looks better to me, with more definition.

And I also feel the effect on my upper eyelids! They are smoother and less droopy than before I used this type of device.

I also notice a result on the radiance of my face, which can be seen immediately after the massage. My face is also less puffy than when I woke up. The stimulating and draining effect of the microcirculation is undoubtedly a big part of it!

And so, if I were to compare the results I had with the use of NuFACE and ZIIP Halo, I would say that I see the same good results on my skin. Both are effective for the effects I am looking for.

The plus for me of the ZIIP Halo is the “anti-blemish” treatment: it’s the only device of its kind to offer this. But for the rest of the benefits of the treatment, it’s quite similar, IMO.

However, there are quite a few differences in terms of user experience, but I’ll come back to that in detail below. 😉

Overview of my experience with the ZIIP OX device:

I usually wait a little longer to do a review, especially with a device. I tested the ZIIP Halo for just under two months. But since I’m not new to the technology, and it’s the same as the device I already knew, I didn’t have to wait as long as usual to be able to give you my thoughts.

And I can confirm that the ZIIP Halo is still my favourite of all the microcurrent devices I’ve tried so far.

Granted, with this device as with the others, the results on my skin are still subtle, but it’s something I’ve been expecting. I am used to microcurrent devices, and if you expect the same effect as a surgical facelift, you will likely be disappointed, you should be aware of that!

Personally, I was able to notice a good maintenance of my skin tonicity, especially in certain areas of my face!

Now, I keep in mind that I am 45 years old, my loss of firmness is only in its early stages, and it will most certainly increase over time. I take good care of my skin daily, and have done so for a long time, so I imagine that this also plays a role in the “subtlety” of the result on me. On other people, it’s very possible that the results will be more obvious.

As it was already the case with my LED mask, I see my ZIIP Halo device as a complement to my skincare routine, but for me, it does not replace it, nor do I think it can replace a cosmetic procedure. The results are not comparable.

On the other hand, I really think that the use of microcurrent devices is interesting as a preventive measure and it perfectly matches my approach to skincare. For me, it’s always much easier to preserve the youthfulness and tonicity of your skin by protecting it with the right products and stimulating it with different treatments, than to try to “repair” it once it’s too late!

Not that you won’t have good results with this device if your skin is more mature than mine, I have seen several reviews by women who were between 10 and 20 years older than me, and they were overall very satisfied with the results obtained!

One other thing, if you are interested in this treatment, you really need to ask yourself if you are willing to take the time to use the device. Personally, I use my ZIIP Halo 3 to 6 times a week, and my sessions vary between 4 and 12 minutes max.

Like all anti-aging skin devices, I think it should be considered a long-term commitment. It’s a treatment that needs to be done on a regular basis to maintain results. I’m usually pretty disciplined about these kinds of things, but I can see how it might not be easy for everyone for a lot of very good reasons. I think of it like a workout. If you stop doing it for several months, you will inevitably lose the results you have gained!

Finally, I’m well aware that the price of the device is also a drawback for many. Although I have to point out that the brand has made a real effort with the price of this device compared with previous models, the ZIIP Halo retails for around $350 (without any discount), which is cheaper than the previous versions. And the brand’s cheapest gel is sold for around $25, bearing in mind that if you use it regularly, you need to replace it every 3/4 months or so.

It’s clearly a purchase that I can see paying for itself in the long run. And if I compare it with Botox or hyaluronic acid injection, which are about the same price, I find it more interesting for me at the moment. First, because I don’t feel ready to do injections, and if I understand correctly, you have to do them every 6 months-1 year. Whereas a microcurrent device normally lasts several years!

Of course, everyone will have their own opinion on the matter, and I know the ZIIP Halo is a real investment in money and time, but personally, I find that it’s worth it 🙂

What are the differences between the ZIIP Halo and the previous ZIIP devices (OX and GX)?

I’ll start with their similarities!

All the ZIIP devices use the same technology, micro and nano currents, and they all use the same intensities. The brand has talked about a future update that will allow the device to use a higher intensity, but that will be for future body treatments, if I’ve understood correctly. For the face, the current intensity is the most suitable and effective.

All the ZIIP devices also have similar features, with different preloaded treatments and the use of a conductive gel. All the different conductive gels can be used with all the ZIIP devices available.

Now for the differences:

The ZIIP Halo device has a design that has been based on feedback from the brand’s consumers. To put it simply, it’s easier to use, with a few changes, such as the fact that it’s more compact than the other devices, and lighter too. It also has a luminous strip to indicate when it’s working.

The beeps are louder and the vibrations more intense than on other ZIIP devices. The location of the on/off button has changed; it has been moved to the bottom of the device because some consumers reported they tended to turn it off by mistake after half a treatment with the old design (it’s on top of the other devices).

The ZIIP Halo has also been designed to be a little less app-dependent. If you want, you can use only the Lift treatment pre-programmed in the device as soon as you switch it on, and it’s complete enough to get very good results! Of course, synchronisation with the app offers more treatment options and will be more personalised. But at least there’s a choice for when you’re in a hurry!

The ZIIP Halo is also less expensive than the GX and OX, making it a more affordable option. The same goes for the new conductive gel, the Electric Complex Gel, which is less expensive than the other conductive gels (but much simpler in formula, containing fewer skincare ingredients).

The brand has insisted that the other devices are still present in the app, they’re also still on sale at the moment.

Personally, I think the ZIIP OX and ZIIP GX are still excellent. The different treatments ‘options in the application are very good, and there are many of them. You can use the new conductive gel with the older devices, which is interesting because it’s cheaper!

If I didn’t have to review it, I think I would have waited for my ZIIP to die before ordering the new one. I’ve had my OX for over 2 years now, and it’s not showing any signs of fatigue, by the way. 😉

But I have to say that I think it’s great that the brand has improved its device in response to customer feedback, and that it has also lowered the price. It’s rare to see this kind of evolution without a price increase these days!

Comparison with other microcurrent devices (NuFACE, Foreo Bear):

For me, the first big plus of ZIIP Halo compared to NuFACE is the fast treatment time. With the ZIIP Halo, you can really have a very complete session in just 4 minutes a day (in this case, I always choose the Lift treatment, which is already programmed into the machine), whereas with the NuFACE, it always takes much longer. Technically, the short version of the NuFACE massage is also 5 minutes, but it’s very superficial, whereas the ZIIP ‘Lift’ massage is top-notch and gives a very good result (it’s the one I’ve been doing most often lately).

NuFACE is more time consuming, that’s for sure. Even though I love the results I get with it, I have to admit that I can get the same results in less time with my ZIIP Halo, so I use the latter the most. I now only use my NuFACE on weekends when I have more time.

I use my ZIIP Halo 3 to 6 times a week, and my sessions vary between 4 and 12 minutes max, whereas with the NuFACE, it’s 30 minutes for the entire session.

Another advantage of the ZIIP Halo over the NuFACE Trinity is that it can be used on the eye area with no additional attachment. And I find that even though the probes of the ZIIP Halo are rather large, I can use it wherever I want on the eyelids and around the eyes because of the good ergonomy of the device.

I haven’t reviewed them here, but I also own the Foreo devices, the Bear and the Bear Mini. The brand sent them to me a few years ago.

If I compare the ZIIP Halo with the Foreo Bear, it’s true that the time of the massages with the ZIIP OX is a tiny bit longer (the treatment with the Foreo is super fast, 2-3 minutes), but personally, I still prefer the ZIIP Halo. The massages are much more technical and targeted than those of the Foreo devices.

For me, the technicality of the ZIIP Halo’s massages, and that they target specific areas and needs, are its biggest advantages compared to other devices using the same technology. You can feel that the ZIIP Halo was designed by an esthetician. It’s both technical and easy to use: the best of both worlds!

Of course, the drawback of ZIIP Halo is its price. It’s the most expensive of all the devices, but for me, it’s also the most technical, the most complete (it can be used on the face, neck and eye contour), and it has an anti-blemish purifying treatment unlike the others. It is also rather fast to use (between 2 and 12 minutes max). It’s really super versatile! And for once, the brand has made an effort on the price, because the ZIIP Halo released this year is less expensive than the previous versions!

In short, when someone asks me what my favorite microcurrent device is among all the ones I own, I definitely say it’s the ZIIP Halo!

A brief recap:

Who is it for?

For those who want to prevent their skin from sagging and improve its tonicity.
For those who want to avoid a “puffy” appearance in the morning.
For those who want more radiance, and also to have a more even skin tone, or even to reduce their hyper-pigmentation.
For those who have a tendency to develop small breakouts.
For those who want to treat their eye contour area.
For those who know they’ll take the time to use the device regularly (bearing in mind that the device includes fairly short treatments, so on average you can still get significant results in just 4 minutes a day).

How to use it?

3 to 6 times a week, on clean skin and after applying a conductive gel, morning or evening. You choose a treatment on the app according to your needs and you let the video guide you. You can alternate the different treatments and also combine them if you have more time.
After the treatment, you rinse the gel and clean your device and you can keep on with your usual skincare routine.

How long does it take?

Between 2 and 12 minutes depending on the treatment, which can be combined if desired. Treatments must be done 3 to 6 times a week.

Is it easy to use?

Yes, this device is both very technical because you have very well designed treatment protocols, and easy to use because it’s very ergonomic and you just have to let the videos guide you.

Is it painful?

No, not on me. It can happen that it stings a little if I didn’t put enough gel, if I get too close to the hairline or eyebrows, or if I have a slight wound on my face, but nothing intolerable.

Is the skin irritated after the treatment?

Not at all, no redness, no feeling of irritation.

How long does it take to see results?

The results are subtle, but very noticeable. With this technology, I could see a radiance and a less puffy skin immediately, and a better tonicity of my skin after 1 to 2 months of very regular use. From now on, I’m just maintaining my good results.
Of course, I insist on the fact that you have to keep using the device regularly to maintain these results. If you stop, you lose the benefits and you have to start all over again (it’s like going to the gym 😉 ).

How much is it?

The ZIIP Halo anti-ageing device retails around $350 (price may vary depending on retailers).

The Silver conductive gel , which is the one I prefer, is sold at around $50 for 80ml.

The new Electric Complex Gel retails for around $25 for 80ml.

These gels usually last about 3/4 months, if you use them 5 to 6 times a week (I generally use 4 to 6 pumps).

Edit December 2023:
If you’re reading this article in December 2023, CurrentBody have given me a discount code for the month of December on ZIIP products, it’s BTYZIIP and it will give you 15% off ZIIP Beauty products (the code stacks with current promos on the website).
Go to the CurrentBody website here (affiliate link)
ZIIP Beauty has also given me a code for the month of December, it’s BONNIEZIIP and it will give you 15% off ZIIP Beauty products (the code stacks with current promotions on the website).
Go to the ZIIP Beauty website here (affiliate link)

In conclusion:

Like all anti-aging devices, it’s an investment in time and money, and as I always say, it’s also an extra, a complement to a good skincare routine, which obviously doesn’t replace it.

But if you have the budget and you’re motivated to fit it into your schedule, I find that the ZIIP Halo is probably the best option on the microcurrent devices market at the moment.

The ZIIP Halo anti-ageing device retails around $350 (price may vary depending on retailers).

The Silver conductive gel , which is the one I prefer, is sold at around $50 for 80ml.

The new Electric Complex Gel retails for around $25 for 80ml.

Edit November 2024:
If you’re reading this article in November 2024, CurrentBody have given me a discount code on ZIIP products, it’s BONNIEZIIP and it will give you 20% off ZIIP Beauty products, including the Christmas Superior Gift Set, and the Gels bundles.
I also have a special code for ZIIP gels, which is BTYGEL and this one will get you 25% off all ZIIP Beauty gels.
These two codes stack up to current promotions on the site, and there won’t be any extra promotion for the week of Black Friday, so it’s a good time to snatch that deal! 🙂
Go to the CurrentBody website here (affiliate link)
ZIIP Beauty has also given me a code, it’s BONNIEZIIP and it will give you 20% off all ZIIP Beauty products.
The code BTYGEL also works on the ZIIP Beauty website, it’ll get you 25% off all ZIIP Beauty gels. And same thing as above, you can stack up the codes with current promotions on the website, and there won’t be any extra promotion for the week of Black Friday, these are the best deals you can get! 🙂
Go to the ZIIP Beauty website here (affiliate link)

Have you tried the ZIIP Halo or any other device that uses microcurrent technology? If so, what is your experience with this technology? Tell me about it in the comments! 🙂

Comments (10)

  1. Bonnie, great review! I have heard some people saying they experienced facial fat loss with the use of microcurrent on the face. What is your opinion on this matter?

    • Hi Ana, and thank you! 🙂
      I heard that as well but the founder talked about it quite extensively in interviews, and she explained that the ZIIP device uses micro and nano-currents that are not enough to cause a fat loss on the face. Basically, it’s not powerful enough to be able to do that. And it’s not the effect you want anyway, it’s configured to work on a different level on the skin.
      Anecdotally, I’ve been using my ZIIP devices super regurlarly for more than 3 years now, and I didn’t noticed any fat loss on my face. 🙂

    • Hi Carly!
      I personnally wouldn’t because a) it could reduce the conductivity of the gel and b) you have to rinse the gel off after your treatment so it seems a bit useless to apply serums just to rinse them off a few minutes later! 😉
      Hope it helps! 🙂

    • Hello!
      I just used it with the brand’s conductive gels. Considering the price of the device, I don’t want to damage it with other product I’m not sure I can use with it, to be honest. I guess it could technically work with other oil free gels, but it would mean I would have to re-wet them all the time, and I don’t have enough patience lol. The conductive gel from ZIIP are excellent, that’s why I prefer to use these 😉

  2. hi!
    Have you noticed improvement on skin unevenness? I have a lot of visible pores and some blemishes from old spots. (Mainly looking into this product to get rid of my undereye ‘problems’) But I’d say my skin looks as if someone took a picture of it on their front camera and has almost like a grain noise filter on it…?

    winter x

    • Hi Winter,
      Yes, I did notice an improvement throughout the years on my skin texture (I’ve been using my ZIIP for 4 years now)! It’s probably a conjonction of different things, because I’ve been also using retoinoids, but it’s definitely helping in that category! 😀

  3. Hi Bonnie
    Great review and detail. I am considering investing but can’t be sure if this device could ne an alternative to current body LED mask from anti ageing perspective ? I understand there’s different technology at play but do you think one does more than the other?

    • Hello Sue!
      Thank you 😊
      For me, it’s not that these devices use different technologies, it’s more that they don’t provide the same benefits.
      The LED mask is great to reduce the inflammation, improve the texture of the skin and give an overall glow to the skin.
      Microcurrent will help to improve the tonicity of the skin. It will also be gives a glow to the skin because it helps with the blood microcirculation.
      So basically, these two modalities really complement each other IMO 😉
      You can choose depending on your skin needs, or consider investing in both if you want a very comprehensive antiageing program 😊
      It’s also interesting to consider your motivation to use these devices. They won’t work if you don’t use them regularly. If it’s your first device, I would probably recommend getting a LED mask first. It’s less implication, you can do something else while using it. It’s a great first device IMO 😉👍

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